Monday, October 20, 2014

A screencast about Jing

A screencast about Jing

I did a short screencast to share a tip about a nifty little webtool called Jing. Here is what I thought about the experience. 

Using the screencast program was pretty easy once I got the hang of it. I found it difficult to do any recording where anyone could hear me and found it necessary to find a quiet place to work. It also helped me to write a script of what I wanted to say in the film clip. I experimented with different screen sizes and ended up using full screen to show all of the steps included in my infovideo. 

All in all, I think video is an excellent way of sharing information. It does take a bit of time to prepare but once it is done it will save time in the long run. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Student blogging

Handwriting by djking 

What I found as a high school teacher is that many students (in my case mostly boys) detest writing reports. So when one group of students were working on creating their first film together and there was a need for individuals to document the process, I decided to try blogging instead of the usual log book. 

At first I was a bit worried that it would take a lot of time to show them how and get them started, but they understood the procedure and opened their blog accounts without any problems. Each week I would read what they had written and respond with my own comments. I liked that they had access to feedback so quickly.

Publishing what they wrote online seemed to affect the quality of what they wrote. Their texts were more reflective, not just reporting what they had done during the week, but even writing about problems that occurred and explanations for what they would need to think of during the week to come. 

The only drawback that I experienced was that some of the students had trouble remembering their passwords from one week to the next, or even which e-mail address they had used to open their accounts. So time that could have been spent writing was instead spent logging in to their blog. I had no way to help them with that. 

Now that I know about Voice Thread where students can record comments to a specific course, I would be tempted to try using that as an alternative to writing when they need to document their work.