When I, much later, decided to become a teacher, computers seemed like a natural choice. So I taught students and adults things like computer basics, web development and media production. That eventually led to the job I have today as an educational technologist at Karolinska. Though I must admit that it was KI's involvment with MOOCs that sparked my interest. A MOOC is a massively open online course. I love the idea of education being open to anyone who wants to learn and believe that digital tools are slowly but surely removing barriers that keep so many people from accessing an education.
A little digital history
My digital world today
Doug Belshaw's eight elements of digital literacies is an interesting way to make sense of something that is really very messy, since as he mentioned, the digital world is very broad and consists of far too many pieces to be able to pigeonhole into one meaning.
While I consider myself to obtained the skill and mindsets for many of the digital listeracies I also notice that I am continually striving to find some sort of balance.My ultimate goal is to maintain some control over that identity that is out there and that one that is me.
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